Monday, December 12, 2011

Mary had a little Lamb

The following is a retelling of Mary had a little Lamb. It is from a website called Sermons 4 Kids. I thought it well worth sharing. Enjoy, Nan+

Mary had a little Lamb,

He was born on Christmas day.

She laid him in a manger bed

To Sleep upon the hay.

Angels filled the night-time sky

And they began to sing.

Shepherds heard them all proclaim

The birthday of a King.

Wise men saw a blazing star

Up in the sky that night.

They followed it until they found

The King of love and light.

Mary had a little Lamb,

But He wasn't hers, you know,

He was the very Son of God,

The One who loves us so.

The Father of this little Lamb

Loved the world so much

That He sent his only Son to earth

So we could feel His touch.

He came to give us joy and peace

And take away our sin.

So when He knocks on your heart's door,

Be sure to let Him in.

Why do I love this precious Lamb?

What can the reason be?

The answer is quite plain to see,

It's because He first loved me!